Night of Literature 2023 Nitra
On May 17, 2023, the 15th annual Night of Literature will take place in 16 Slovak cities, to which Nitra will join this year as well. At 8 locations in the city center, you can listen to excerpts from Slovak translations of books by contemporary European authors presented by personalities from culture and the creative industry. They will read in half-hourly intervals for 15 minutes from 6 PM to 10:30 PM. You will have another 15 minutes to move to the next location.

In Vila K, Katarína Vargová Petrusová will read a collection of short stories by the Slovak author Stanislav Rakús: Ľútostivosť.
Places for reading:
- City Market (greenhouse)
- Bystrožrút Nitra (bistro)
- Vila K
- Antiquarian & Libresso Pod Vŕškom
- Sekáč je láska (second hand shop)
- Radio in Nitra
- Tea room of good people
- Tourist information center
Literary works:
- Pascal Mercier: Perlmann's Silence
- Niccolo Ammaniti: Me and You
- Krisztina Tóth: Pixel
- Stanislav Rakús: Ľútostivosť (SK)
- Witold Szabłowski: What's Cooking in the Kremlin
- Afonso Cruz: The Karenina Principle
- John Boyne: The Echo Chamber
- Anna Beata Háblová: Směna (CZ)