Norwegian band concert - Sunnmøre Baarelag
We invite you to the concert of the Norwegian band Sunnmøre Baarelag, which will take place on November 21, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in Vila K.
Come and listen to two members from the band who will visit us. It is a rare opportunity to taste local traditional Norwegian music of the second half of the 20th century. They have prepared a selection of their greatest hits, songs with a connection to the life and feeling of the rugged, weathered and storm-ridden coast of Norway, as well as the long and mild summer nights when the sun never goes all the way down.
As a special treat, they prepared a newly composed song with a refrain in Slovak.
Refreshments will be provided.
Capacity is limited.
Admission is voluntary.

Sunnmøre Baarelag – The Norwegian countryside visits Slovak cities and towns

Sunnmøre Baarelag started as a band in 1980, they released their first single in 1983 and are still regularly played on Norwegian radio! Now, in the year 2023, they are a good number of years older, but also filled with experience from a long series of ups and downs, playing live in local communities all over Norway and engaging g actively in promoting local music and helping new bands break through.
Way back in the eighties, they were told that they were too old to appear on TV. At the same time, in 1987, they came out as the most frequently played Norwegian-language band on NRK (Norwegian Radio Corporation).
In the nineties, they published a song that was played on NRK every single week - for more than twenty years.

Many of the best-known bands and artists from the North-Western part of Norway mention Sunnmøre Baarelag among their significant sources of inspiration. And in 2016 came the band's 4th music production – the much played on Spotify-album "Ei til…." "Here's another" (from Sunnmøre Baarelag).
During all these years, the band did well over 2,000 concerts and performances of various kinds.
In 2020, the band celebrated their 40 years on stage, something which in itself is quite unique in Norwegian music scene. 40 years is a long time, still it makes clear promises about a continuing musical journey that many people still can relate to.